Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Suzuki Satria F-150 - Thai Drag Look Style

Suzuki Satria F-150 modified by Zhan Modifed (ZM).
This Motor Drag Suzuki Satria F-150 Thai-style look sleek look. Starter referred to are those who first played modification. If you have more money, be continued to play contezt but still maintained the theme early.
Motor Drag Thai Drag Look Style - Suzuki Satria F-150 (2008)
To contezt must have a theme of focus. Consider the wheel Suzuki Satria F-150 owned by Denise from Pasuruan, East Java (Jawa Timur). Unique, but also terrified. Both Denise and Ponijan the modifier fairly desperate. This section looks odd and unusual. Because the Front rim behind each supported by only 18 bars.

This Suzuki Satria F-150 not purely for the daily use. Just to Motor contezt only, so sorry bit override safety riding. But, generally safe, although occasionally motor is used for daily activities. To drive it, clearly not be arbitrary, some caution must find a smooth path, "explained Ponijan from Zhan Modified (ZM). "I'm bored with rim design variations for granted. Too common and many who apply. So I had an idea to make like this, let no one match," said Denis owner this Suzuki Satria F-150. Zhan indeed brave, including decision making handmade rim. He cut out the crossbar and drum rim Jupiter MX 135LC original CW. After leaving only the rim, then Zan make holes were 18 as the bars. Zhan undertake its own process to make the hole using a drill. The hole was made in pairs and groups. It consists of three groups, so each group consisted of 6 bars. Then the bars were fitted straight without crossing.'ll Look like the rim beam but using the bars," added Zhan who claims apply standard size rim spokes ring 17. As for the rear rim wear radius variation for the Mio.

Detail modif Suzuki Satria F-150 Thai Drag look Style.
While on the body, leaving little look terondol cover body Suzuki Satria F-150 is the hallmark and identity of the adherents of the flow Thai Drag Style. For this step, Zhan seemed to deliberately highlight the frame. Let the impression of motorcycle drag (Thai Drag Look Style) the thick, Zhan desperate frame with a neat hole. Then air brush paint it with different colors (CandyTone) ngejreng. The motive of the selected graphic style that adapts to the body side. Special to the body side is intentionally grimy owned Honda Revo which model does look sporty. Do not forget to install also figures as the start number. The choice number 6 (# 6) which is a favorite number.

 For Front Shock is Custom. Because a cursory looks like a quasi varisasi product. "This is original front sokbreker Suzuki Satria F-150. But, slightly modified though more interesting," said Zhan. More interesting is the dimension. If allowed to default, have impressed nerd. For thin and less robust. modifier the Front shock bottom with pipe materials. Then air brush painted the colors with candytone character. A little small touch in front of this quasi-sector contributed to his theme and appearance you want highlighted. 

This Modification of front shock can also save the budget for modification. Because cost is not as expensive as if you have to change tomorrow with the product variations or aftermarket product variations.
Front tire size 2.00-17 Using Swallow Drag brands, Rear tire size 2.15-17 using Swallow brands, 
Drag type Muffler using R9 brands, Handlebars using Ride-It brands, Speedometer using Type-R brands, CDI using BRT brands

Honda BeAt Modification into Chopper.

This Honda BeAt Modifikasi Chopper are Extreme Modification, many people do not believe that this Modification Motorcycle are from Motorcycle Honda Beat. One of them is Indonesia Comedian Kiwil.
Motor Modifikasi Honda BeAt Chopper
Pelawak Kiwil Naik Motor Honda BeAt Modifikasi ChopperExtreme Modification are Changing the Chassis Frame of Honda BeAt using Plumbing Pipe. The Plumbing pipe tube is taken selected from a variety of sizes. ”Plumbing Pipe Size Starting from 2,5 inches” added Hans from Hans Custom as Modifier this Honda BeAt Chopper Style Modification. With sophisticated tools, and can be Hans the success of this pipeline to the curve and the form of neat. ”Choose a deliberately strong health and well-known, but it is also known types ofresistance to rust,” said Hans. Based on the account more easily in the treatment also resistant to rust.
Position This Honda BeAt CVT Engine are under the Seat as you can see the Detail of Modification Honda BeAt Chopper below. CVT Engine no longer a pure CVT, using combination of CVT and chain. Components for using Chain like Gear are taken from Honda Supra and rear axle custom made from Honda Tiger.
Detail Modification Honda BeAt ChopperSpecifications of Modification Honda BeAt Chopper. Honda BeAt Chopper Front tire size 110/70-17 using IRC Brand, for Rear tire size 180/60-14 using Swallow brand, Front rim are Variations (Aftermarket) with size 2.5-inch X 17, Rear rim Custom Made 8 x 14 inches, Airs next Custom, Tank Custom Made, Handlebars Custom Made. Honda BeAt Chopper Modified by Hans Custom.

Kawasaki Ninja 250R with Air Brush Painting by Prhazt Portal Airbrush.

Kawasaki Ninja 250R with Graphics Air Brush Painting is a Mascot for Prhazt Portal Airbrush workshop provides an illustration in order to facilitate his work on potential consumers. Selected base yellow paint you will look striking. Combined with other festive color, likered, blue and white. The combination of straight lines and curves, makes this 2 cylinder motorcycle (Kawasaki Ninja 250R) body seen alive. The holes and grooves fairing becomes more pronounced. That’s because airbrusher smart play gradation. between graphic motif is the symbol of a circle with a cross in it, which is attached to the helmet Jorge Lorenzo, MotoGP world champion 2010.
Motor Modifikasi Kawasaki ninja 250R Air brush
more sleek in the body of Kawasaki Ninja 25-R is applying four (4) layers of lacquer applied! No Wonder very striking eyes and look smooth! Well let more and more tempting, also sprinkled with powder varnish cyralic, so that when the light hit show blink-blink effect. Finished painting that need funding of about Rp 3 Juta (3 million rupiah), turn some partsdecorated carbon printing. Some areas are coated including the dashboard, the speedometer, close the chain,body right-left and front-rear Footstep. All of the carbon black. Medium triangle topand carbon coated brake calipers yellow gold.
Last pair of Modification Kawasaki Ninja 250R is applied angel eyes, replace the handlebar clamp and custom undertail. Then toraise performance, wear freeflow exhaust and re-jetting the carburetor and replaceprogrammable CDI.
Detail Modification Air Brush Kawasaki Ninja 250RKawasaki Ninja 250R front & rear Tires using Bridgestone Battlax BT92 size 120/60-17 & rear size 150/60-17, Handlebars using Nui Brand (Thailand Aftetrmarket Products), Undertail Custom Single seater from Kawasaki Genuine Accessories, Handle brake & clutch using Nui Brand (Thailand Aftetrmarket Products), Sein Lamp Aftermarket, Frame sliders Aftermarket, CDI using BRT Brand I-Max type, Jetting kit Factory Pro, Exhaust using Two Brothers brand, Paint & varnish: Dupont, Thinner using Cobra brand.
Motif Grafis Air Brush Kawasaki ninja 250R
Gambar Kawasaki Ninja 250R Air Brush

Suzuki Shogun 110 1998 (Mix from Yamaha & Aprilia) became Futuristic & Sporty Style.

Moped Suzuki Shogun 110 1998 modification into a futuristic and sporty style. Rico using body from Yamaha X1R body, from Thailand. Rico wear full body next to the main light. “That’s real pretty, meaning that the plastic material. I lived adjust holder to attach the body. Said Rico. But, for the affairs of the rear body her brave little extreme. Framework of the stern cut shorter.“This time reference Aprilia RS oxtail,” he added. Tail with lots of angles like this certainly support the concept of the future earlier. “Material fiberglass, more lightly,” said Rico.
Gambar Motor Shogun 110 Futuristik Sporty Suzuki Shogun 110 Futuristic and Sporty Concept  Pictures
Gambar Modif Motor Shogun 110 Futuristik & Sporty Sytle Concept.
In addition, he also told the evidence in total to imitate the figure of dashing Aprilia. “Even down to select the color paint that is also commonly used or have been a feature of Aprilia. Nah no blame if Suzuki’s view is gone completely,” said Rico who is also the artist of this painting.
Front tire size 90/80-17 using FDR brands, Rear tire size 140/60-17 using Swallow brands, Front rim using Rossi brands, Rear rim using Axio brands, Swing arm using R Pro brands. [Source : motorplus.otomotifnet.com] [Photos Courtesy: motorplus.otomotifnet.com]
Below are Images of Modification Suzuki Shogun 110 Futuristic and Sporty Concept :

Honda CS 1 Air Brush Modification by Tomi Air Brush.

Honda CS1 modified with Air Brush Painting Graphic Motive. the view Honda CS 1 must be eye catching so let me glance. Inviting eyes glance, magic recipes with the main color. To fulfill his desire, Fadil deliver fully on  Tomi Airbrush.
Gambar Motor Modifikasi CS 1 Air Brush
For Tom, has a mandate to change the Honda CS1 so eye catching not a difficult matter. To be conspicuous, the whole body laced character paint similar bright highlighter colors. As a sweetener laced with graphic motifs. Selected primary color yellow. Let the results contrast, graphic motifs selected blend of red and green. So it is worth now each passing glance.
Staining rely Spies Hecker paints and varnishes proven durable. The process from beginning to end, according to a well airbrusher hobby is traveling abroad, only takes about 2 weeks. Let more eye catching, some parts in chrome. Among stirrup, Footstep front and rear, standard and kick starter lever. Medium brake and clutch lever rely on aftermarket products that have been chromed. Then I’ll be sweeter, body bolts applications that are blue. Which was popular some time ago.
Last bit to upgrade the performance by replacing the exhaust. The model style silencer Honda CBR 1000RR. Custom made by Johanes Hanafi from the X-16, members Cyrcus (Citysport Rider On Kaskus) this. The safety, braking is upgraded using the disc width.
Detail modification Air Brush Honda CS 1 : Front and Rear Tires using Bridgestone Battlax BT39F BT39R with size 80/90-17 & for rear size 100/80-17, Disc Brake KTC brand, Exhaust Custom Made, Bolt body using Posh brand, paint brand Spies Hecker, Varnishesbrand Spies Hecker.

Modifikasi motor Honda CS 1

Modifikasi Instan Yamaha Byson.

Yamaha Byson Instant Modification with More Stylish and Charming Looking Motorcycle. This Modification only Changing Body Yamaha Byson with the Custom Body Kit. The Details of Custom Body Kit is Rear Tail like Model Ducati Single seater, undertail. Custom Body Kit Yamaha Byson with painting body work only six (6) days, and this Body Kit parts is Plug and Play (PnP). Body Kit Yamaha Byson prices is Rp 1.500.000,- (1.5 million rupiah).
Gambar Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Byson
Affairs body kit, Dwell takes time as well as installation workmanship for 6 days, because the owner of this Yamaha Byson want another other colors of existing stock in the workshop. The contents of this body kit; Ducati models of single seater tail, undertail, rearsepatbor, close the battery (left-right) and the engine cover.
Detail Modification Yamaha Byson : Rear discs using Aftermarket, Rear caliper using Brembo Brand single (1) piston, Arm Condoms Custom Made (Kawasaki Ninja 250), Front & rear Sepatbor Custom Made, Stern / Rear Tail Single seater Ducati, Windshield Custom, Handlebars using Renthal brand, Cover Engine Custom Made, Muffler (Knalpot) Stainless, Boy Kit Paint using Spies Hecker brand.
Knalpot Aftermarket Yamaha Byson

Motor Bebek Bermesin Jet 368 km/jam or Jet Powered Moped.

If this motor bebek/moped can speeding up to 150 km / h still in disbelief. Surely with full racing specifications. But if the top speed up to 368 km / h ? Still believe ?
It seems we are to believe, this moped. As the picture above, the basic is moped 50cc engine only has paired a jet engine by MBK modifications/Drag Mob Production.
In order to comply with legal regulations which often allow them to be ridden without helmets and without even a license, most mopeds are less than 50cc and have a top speed limited to 30mph. This jet-powered MBK has obviously had a few modifications. It exceeds that top speed by over 200mph or 368 km/h in a 1/4-mile drag race or 402 meters.
Motor Bebek Bermesin Jet 368km Motor Bebek Bermesin Jet 368 km/jam Moped Jet Powered Pictures
Motor Bebek Bermesin Jet 368 km/jam.
A test in drag bike circuit along the 402 meters, this motor bebek bermesin jet/jet moped is able to reach speeds of 320 km / hour. But higher speeds of course must be taken with a longer trajectory.

This Moped created by a French citizen of this pair only 125cc two-stroke engine to the chassis of this duck. But then two-stroke engine was replaced with a turbine engine jet with a small block of Chevy.
Uniquely, the motorcycle maker is preparing to two seat. Who knew anyone willing to speeding together. If you Dare accept to this chalange ?
DRAGMOB: 125 motor cross, cut gearbox, engine ignition reversed to the right , clutch motorcycle up a sec on ​​the set, original drive motorcycle amended again and adjusted to the crankshaft of 125cm3, alignment of the engine, double spring system to tighten the engine machining of the plate, setting the pot (the ball n ‘ does not exist!) billet ignition internal mtoplat stalled at 2.5, 120 octane aviation gasoline, part remodifier, monocoque, wheelibar, homemade helmet as he managed to escape the first 125cc Dragmob! It has the idea of create your team: the team DRAGMOB (which became dragmob production) Then he chained with 125cc engines in mieu mieu prepare, then a slightly larger engine with a 240 cm3 suzuki which holds the speed record at 230 km / h the 240cc record (PULSAR IV) dragmob a 125cc (whell the bars are set higher, and with the engine power to the drags were run entirely on whell bars representing a unique show! ) He then managed to climb to the limit possible in 350 cm3 (350 rdlc) which developed 70 hp! With record speed was 260 km / h! Other photos are Below:
Others Images of Drag Mob Moped Jet Engine are Below :

Arabian Drag Racing League

Saudi racer Fahad Al Hamoud (who, like Kenny Schwartz, is a lawyer by day) points his Hayabusa westward and to the sky in the waning light of day during qualifying for Round 1 of the Arabian Drag Racing League at the Qatar Racing Club back in December. It was actually about 4:30 in the afternoon at this desert track, with the small slick gripping the sticky QRC track hard! The bike was run in Valdosta a couple of seasons ago by Sean Henson. Fahad's painted the bike, replaced the street tire with the slick, and apparently dialed in some downtrack horsepower!

 Source: Photo and words by Eatmyink.com

All Pistons Brands for Bore Up Engine Motorcycles.

What is Bore up / Oversize (increase the volume of the cylinder)

Bore up can start at 50, 100 (factory default) until oversized 200-400. Usually the liner in the cylinder block is enlarged / dicorter until the size of the original. Liner usually only be able until the oversized 100, more than it should replace the liner the more thick, better and stronger and have a tolerance limit of the narrow gaps (first test in the lab) . Obstacles when oversized, not all have the tools turner have fault tolerance 0:01 mm or smaller and usually also means never been calibrated. Because the price of calibration equipment as expensive as the price lathe machine, the effect is most severe is the center of the liner changed or resulting tilt. Measured use analog sigmat not so plasticity because the tolerance sigmat only 0:05 mm. Re-calculated factors mentioned above to remove the power engine that can optimal. theres negative effect if the compression is too big. Dynamo starter asked for change stronger.
Bore Up Cylinder & Piston
Bore Up Cylinder & Piston
For Modificator or engine modification enthusiasts now many appear favorite aftermarket pistons. From Thailand like FIM brand and Hi Speed brand, Piston Hi Speed are Racing Products Brand from Thailand. The size and design approach style competition. Even as belonging to the Special Engine or SE. Materials used are more stronger. Piston sticking it available not only for Yamaha. But it is also available for Suzuki who mostly use for Suzuki Satria F-150 belongs to motor drag racing bike or night street racing balap liar. Piston Material used in the FIM brand made ​​stronger. Even the process of hardening harder and rigid. Booth Piston FIM and Hi Speed brand ​​is equipped with Teflon coating. So not only are more slippery. But, also more delicate in the matter of her voice. For the dome is also more knob. So they can set the compression. Cutting the knob levels as desired. More details see below.

Piston for Kawasaki Ninja & Suzuki Satria FU-150.

Piston Bore Up Merk FIM Lapis Teflon.
Piston Bore Up Merk FIM Lapis Teflon.
Kawasaki Ninja piston standard size 62 mm and 16 mm piston pen hole. FIM Brand Launch they new Bore Up Piston product for Kawasaki Ninja 250 R, type is FIM25. There two variants for bore Up piston Kawasaki Ninja, Size oversize is 150 and 200. Size 63.5 mm piston available and 64 mm. This Pistons are Equivalent to the standard Honda Tiger pistons and oversized 50, for ring piston also can using as well as from Honda Tiger. These piston can also be used to bore up Suzuki Satria F-150. Because the pen hole piston Satria F-150 equally same 16 mm. Excess FIM25 pistons are designed for (4) four valve heads. It is suitable in the Suzuki Satria F-150 and Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Dome also can be reset according to the desired compression. Piston worth Rp 250 thousand is the composition of the material it contains almost the same with other FIM racing pistons. However, further hardening process. The content of silicon is also more than usual.

Piston Hi Speed Pro from Thailand Racing Products.

Piston Jenong Bore Up Hi-Speed Pro
Piston Jenong Bore Up Hi-Speed Pro
Hi Speed from ​​Thailand also launched a piston which has a different design. The shape is still like a piston Special Engine (SE) but more wider. It may be also used for daily use motorcycle. Piston is given the name of its type Hi Speed ​​Pro is also available in several sizes. Size is start from 58mm to 68 mm, For pin hole size also varies. Starting from 13.14mm and 15 mm sizes are also available. So that all brands of motorcycles in circulation. Differences owned piston type Pro is located on the piston head shape. More knob so that it can produce high compression. For the piston type Pro is also available in two options. There are coated with Teflon, and some are without Teflon. The price offered is Rp 450 thousand already including pistons, rings, pins and clips.

Piston Hi Speed R from Thailand Racing Products.

Piston Bore Up Hi-Speed R
Piston Bore Up Hi-Speed R
Hi Speed Piston from ​​Thailand recently appeared. Have a design or shape such as a special engine piston or usually that subscription SE used motocross. The diameter is available from sizes 58 mm to 68 mm. Piston Pen hole there is 13 mm, 14 mm and 15 mm. One set includes pistons, rings, pins and clips cost Rp 550 thousand. It is quite expensive but comparable to the shape and lightweight piston.

Piston Yamaha 70 mm

Piston Bore Up Yamaha 70 mm
Piston Bore Up Yamaha 70 mm
Among Bore up piston, piston prducts from Yamaha Thailand is very big. Piston diameter of 70 mm. But the code on the packaging such as the Yamaha Fino. Yamaha Fino default it only 52 mm piston. Could be for Fino version Bore up.
This piston has a pen hole 15 mm. Can directly enter the handlebars piston owned Yamaha Fino, Yamaha Mio or Yamaha Nouvo. But be careful for installing this piston. Must be measured before installation. The form of this piston head as like piston’s yamaha Scorpio. Likewise the distance from the hole until the top piston pen similar to that of the motor Yamaha Scorpio. Prices the piston is in the range price of Rp 550 thousand, also include pistons, rings, pins and clips.

Motor Drag Yamaha Mio TDR Racing Drag Bike

This Motor Drag Yamaha Mio Modified by TDR Racing.

Do You have Motor Yamaha Mio and want to modify into Drag Bikes, such as This Motor Drag Yamaha Mio TDR Racing, This Motor Yamaha Mio TDR Racing specs it can be your reference in modifying Motor Yamaha Mio. And of course in modifying your motor using racing parts / products of TDR Racing.
Motor Yamaha Mio TDR Racing 1 Motor Drag Yamaha Mio TDR Racing Drag Bike Pictures
Motor Drag Yamaha Mio TDR Racing.
Total = 239.48 CC. Japan Regulation Class SC-4 50 Meters
Best Lap Record : 3.15 Second  Total Weight : 48 Kgs.
Specification MIO Modified By TDR Racing For Drag Race.

Piston Size 67 mm. With Complete Ring Set (Using TDR Racing Component) 16 mm. Pin Piston
Body Cylinder : New Linner With Welding & Milling For 67 mm. Piston (Using TDR Racing component)
Body Gasket : Leather thickness 0.50 mm.
Alu. Body Gasket : Aluminium Spacer Thickness 10 mm.(Using TDR Racing component)
Head Cylinder : Move Angle With Big Valves With Brooze Guide (Using TDR Racing component)  Modified  Head With Welding and Milling Head Cylinder
Head Gasket : Copper Gasket thickness 1.50 mm.
Intake & Exhuast Valve : Big Valve   In. = 31 mm. Ex .= 26 mm. (Using TDR Racing component)
Center Crank 1+2 : Make Big Crank with Welding & Milling Suitable for Long Stroker
Crankshaft : Modified Crank and New Balancer
Pin Crank : up / down Total 10 mm.
Transmission : 16 T / 39 T
CDI Box :  Digital DC. Programmable (Using TDR Racing component)
Muffler : Stainless Muffler with Carbon Silencer  (Using TDR Racing component)
Carburetor : Keihins PE28SP With Racing Neddle Jet No. J   Lock # 4
Main & Pilot Jet : 140 / 42
High-Throttle : RS125 (Using TDR Racing component)
Auto Starter : Devide Battery For Start Engine Only (Hand Carry)
V-Belt : TDR Racing 2 Layer
Primary Clutch : Move Angle with Smooth Weight 6 pcs.
Shock Absorber : YSS Racing OG 302-300 TRL Rebound Adjustor and Spring Pre-Load
Tires : IRC Soft Compound  Front 80/90-14 Rear 90/80-14
[Source : mocyc.com] [Photos Courtesy : mocyc.com]

Detail Images of Motor Drag Yamaha Mio TDR Racing Drag Bike are Below:

Motor Drag Race Collections.

Motor Drag Race is Motorcycles that have been modified into Drag Race Bikes Style, below are images of Collections Motor Drag Race.
Motor Drag Race Mio.
Motor Drag Race Mio Sasis Titanium. 
Motor Drag Race Collections.
Motor Drag Race Yamaha Mio Putih.
Motor Drag Race Modified by Tomo Speed Shop.